Monday, March 12, 2012

Grand Opening!

Hi! I’m Maureen: 

And I’m Bridget: 

We’re identical twins: 

Can you tell who's who?

We’re very close, both as sisters and as friends, but we’re not geographically close (sad face)

Distance between Chicago and San Francisco: 1863 miles!
As twins, we’ve gotten to share our lives together in a unique way that few get to experience (except for that one minute when Maureen had the world all to herself before Bridget showed up!).  We’ve shared a bedroom, a college dorm room, an apartment, friends, clothes, and schoolwork, to name a few.  But even more than that, we’ve gone through all of life’s big experiences together, at the exact same time.

First day of school?  Together.  Senior prom?  Together.  Going away to college?  Same school, shared dorm room.  Getting engaged?  Our husbands approached our parents on the same day to ask for our hands in marriage (not planned!).    Getting married?  9 months apart to the day.  We’ve gone through pretty much everything, hand in hand.  So, it should have come as no surprise that life’s next great adventure would also be shared. 

Still we were completely stunned to find out that we are expecting our first babies one week apart.  And, to answer everyone’s favorite question right away…no, this was not planned!

We’ve never liked living so far away from each other but, now, with these little buns in the oven, this long distance thing has felt especially tough.  We thought it would be a fun project to document our parallel pregnancies in order to help us feel more connected to each other during this crazy, exciting time.  Thus, Young and Dizzy was dreamed up!  It will be a fun way for us to track everything (our own online journal of sorts) plus it will be a fun way to share our experiences with our families and friends and whoever else comes along. 

Oh, and for anyone curious about the title of our little blog, it comes from our Great Aunt Margaret, our grandma’s identical twin (yes, it runs in the family!).  It’s a phrase of hers that we’ve always loved because, to us, it’s a reminder to stay young and free-spirited, no matter what seriousness life brings our way.

So, welcome to our blog!  Read, enjoy, and come back often to visit because we’ll be posting regularly throughout this whole crazy ride.  We look forward to sharing it all with you!


  1. Girls, this is so cute and such a great idea! Congrats to you guys again and it will be fun to see the progression of your pregnancies! I can't imagine the excitement in both your families with not one but 2 little ones coming soon!!! Congrats again! =)

  2. you guys are ADORABLE and i love that you're doing a blog! maureen i talked to bridget but haven't gotten to talk to you and tell you CONGRATS!! So excited for you both + scott and dan! xo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Let me start by saying that this was one of the hardest secret's I've ever had to keep. Dan & I were absolutely bursting at the seams to tell everyone we knew. We were so glad when the the secret was revealed!! Now that the news is out, we've started thinking about the logistics of the whole thing.

    How can someone be in two places at the same time. For me, "I'm not going to worry worry till worry worries me!!" (That is a line my mom
    always used.) Translated, it means that I'll worry about the situation when the times comes.

    Until then, we have two girls who are having
    their first babies & there are so many things that they both need to get organized. I'm glad I have so many frequent flier miles because
    I'll be going back & forth from Chicago to California a lot. It's been so nice to watch as the little one's have grown from a raspberry to a they are now I believe.

    The girls & Colleen & I went on a maternity shopping trip to find them some things for them to wear till the warm weather arrives. We had a nice afernoon & they were happy to get some things that actually fit.

    I'm glad the girls decided to do this. It will be fun to see what everyone has to say & keep track of their adventure.

    Good job girls !!
