Friday, March 30, 2012

The secret is finally out

Note: Sorry to be so MIA from blogging this week, but I have a good reason...I'm on vacation!  I'll share stories about our trip next week, but I didn't want you all to go a whole week without a word from me, so here's a post that I wrote a few weeks ago when I was feeling thrilled about finally being able to tell the world that we're expecting our very own tiny human!  And because pictures make every post more fun (and because I've been too busy relaxing and reading the Hunger Games to be prepared with pictures of my own), I'm including some fun images that I found on Pinterest.  Enjoy! 

Pretty much everyone knows the news by now, and I’m so glad because it’s been hard keeping this secret.  So hard, in fact, that I’ve been avoiding people just so that I wouldn’t have to lie to them and pretend like the biggest thing in my world isn’t actually going on.  It was especially hard when talking to my pregnant girlfriends who would fill me in on all their latest stories about baby bumps and food aversions and nursery planning.  Those conversations were actually mentally exhausting because it was all I could do not to slip and say “Me too!” or “I can’t stand chicken EITHER” or “My pants are feeling tight”.  The baby and this pregnancy are the topics foremost in my mind, so it was hard not to be able to freely talk about it. 

Finally being able to share the news with our friends and family has been so fun.   Of course, it’s great news, so it’s always met with a great reaction.  But, then, when we drop the other shoe and tell them that Maureen is also pregnant and due at the same time, people really start to freak out.  Typically the next thing they say is “Ohmigod are you both having twins?!?”   I guess that would make this story even crazier but, alas, we’re not.  Just one baby in each of our bellies.  But they will be half siblings, genetically speaking.  Since Maureen and I are identical twins, we have matching DNA, so our kids will have ½ of the same genes.  I like to think of them as twin cousins and hope they’ll grow up being the best of friends.

One thing about sharing this kind of news is that it’s tough to actually bring up in conversation.  At least, it was for me.  You don’t exactly want to call someone up and say “helloguesswhati’mpregnant”.  Especially if it’s someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while, which for me was definitely the case because, as I said earlier, I’d been avoiding people so I wouldn’t have to lie to them!  But you can’t save that kind of news for the end of the conversation either, since it’s so important.  So you just kind of have to drop it in there somewhere between hello and goodbye and preferably closer to hello without it being the first thing that comes out of your mouth.  I’ve felt so sly during these conversations, like “I’ve got a secret and I’m just waiting to for the right time to drop it on you!” 

Some couples choose to share their big news right away when they first find out, and I get why.  Secret keeping is tough!  But hard as it was to wait, we knew it was the way to go for us.  We didn’t want to have to backpedal and tell a whole bunch of people if something went wrong.  Plus, I didn’t want to jinx anything by spreading the word too soon.  I can be kinda superstitious like that.  But we had to tell our families right away, keeping such big news from them was just too hard.  How we did that is another story for another time, but I will say that it was super fun.  

See you next week with more regular posts and some stories about our vacation adventures!

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