Friday, March 30, 2012

The secret is finally out

Note: Sorry to be so MIA from blogging this week, but I have a good reason...I'm on vacation!  I'll share stories about our trip next week, but I didn't want you all to go a whole week without a word from me, so here's a post that I wrote a few weeks ago when I was feeling thrilled about finally being able to tell the world that we're expecting our very own tiny human!  And because pictures make every post more fun (and because I've been too busy relaxing and reading the Hunger Games to be prepared with pictures of my own), I'm including some fun images that I found on Pinterest.  Enjoy! 

Pretty much everyone knows the news by now, and I’m so glad because it’s been hard keeping this secret.  So hard, in fact, that I’ve been avoiding people just so that I wouldn’t have to lie to them and pretend like the biggest thing in my world isn’t actually going on.  It was especially hard when talking to my pregnant girlfriends who would fill me in on all their latest stories about baby bumps and food aversions and nursery planning.  Those conversations were actually mentally exhausting because it was all I could do not to slip and say “Me too!” or “I can’t stand chicken EITHER” or “My pants are feeling tight”.  The baby and this pregnancy are the topics foremost in my mind, so it was hard not to be able to freely talk about it. 

Finally being able to share the news with our friends and family has been so fun.   Of course, it’s great news, so it’s always met with a great reaction.  But, then, when we drop the other shoe and tell them that Maureen is also pregnant and due at the same time, people really start to freak out.  Typically the next thing they say is “Ohmigod are you both having twins?!?”   I guess that would make this story even crazier but, alas, we’re not.  Just one baby in each of our bellies.  But they will be half siblings, genetically speaking.  Since Maureen and I are identical twins, we have matching DNA, so our kids will have ½ of the same genes.  I like to think of them as twin cousins and hope they’ll grow up being the best of friends.

One thing about sharing this kind of news is that it’s tough to actually bring up in conversation.  At least, it was for me.  You don’t exactly want to call someone up and say “helloguesswhati’mpregnant”.  Especially if it’s someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while, which for me was definitely the case because, as I said earlier, I’d been avoiding people so I wouldn’t have to lie to them!  But you can’t save that kind of news for the end of the conversation either, since it’s so important.  So you just kind of have to drop it in there somewhere between hello and goodbye and preferably closer to hello without it being the first thing that comes out of your mouth.  I’ve felt so sly during these conversations, like “I’ve got a secret and I’m just waiting to for the right time to drop it on you!” 

Some couples choose to share their big news right away when they first find out, and I get why.  Secret keeping is tough!  But hard as it was to wait, we knew it was the way to go for us.  We didn’t want to have to backpedal and tell a whole bunch of people if something went wrong.  Plus, I didn’t want to jinx anything by spreading the word too soon.  I can be kinda superstitious like that.  But we had to tell our families right away, keeping such big news from them was just too hard.  How we did that is another story for another time, but I will say that it was super fun.  

See you next week with more regular posts and some stories about our vacation adventures!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Quick trip to Seattle

Now that I'm pregnant, I find myself noticing all the things I do on a regular basis now that are soon about to become less frequent, much more challenging tasks with an infant along for the ride. Like going to the grocery store. Or working out. Or as I noticed last week, traveling!

I made a quick trip to Seattle to catch up with my good friend Danae before she has her first baby, which could come any day now! It was fun to catch up in this last window of time before life changes big-time for us both. I was also able to get in some family time, since I have three cousins that have moved to Seattle in the past few years too. Apparently Seattle is the place to be these days! One of them just so happens to be Danae's husband, my cousin Matt, a happy coincidence that now makes Danae my cousin too!

So, here's a little trip recap for you:

I took a quick flight from San Francisco late Tuesday afternoon, and got into Seattle in time for dinner. There's a dine around Seattle event going on this month, where a bunch of the nicest restaurants in the city are offering 3 courses for $30 - appetizer, dinner, and dessert. It winds up being a good amount of food - perfect for a couple pregnant ladies! We went to Steelhead Diner, which I highly recommend for anyone visiting Seattle, and met my cousins Nick and Tiffany there. Since I'm still getting my act together as a blogger, I don't have any photos to share from dinner - but wait, the trip is only getting started!

Wednesday, Danae took me on a short sightseeing tour, since this was my first time in Seattle. We saved the Space Needle and a drive through the mountains for a later trip, but she did take me through the different neighborhoods to get a feel for the area and we made a stop by the Ballard Locks

As I found out, Seattle sits on both the salt water Puget Sound and freshwater Lakes Union and Washington, and the Locks allow ships to pass through from one to the other. 

We watched the ship above come in from the Sound, which has a much higher water line, and then be lowered down as it passed through the locks so it could continue on it's way towards the lakes. It was a pretty cool sight to see, and it's apparently quite the busy spot when the weather is nicer.

Next up was a quick stop by Kerry Park to see the Seattle skyline. 

On a clear day, you can see Mt. Ranier in the background, which makes for a pretty stunning view. We weren't so lucky, but it's still a gorgeous spot.

We then met up with my cousin Colleen and her sweet baby Eli for a walk around Green Lake. (Who knew Seattle had so many lakes?) It was great to catch up and meet her adorable baby boy with the gorgeous big blue eyes. We talked all things pregnancy and baby related, which was perfect for me as I'm finding there's quite a bit I have to learn about this whole having a baby thing!

Danae, Colleen, Eli, and me along with Cousin Nick who we ran into after our walk.
Last stop for the day was for froyo. Yes, it was maybe 40 degrees and super windy - the perfect weather for ice cream for sure. But hey, we're eating for two and we were hungry, so why not :)   Again, no photos to share here. Bad blogger. Bad.

That night Matt and Danae made me a super yummy dinner of black cod, asparagus, and quinoa. Healthy eating for the babies! We pretty much just chilled on the couch and did nothing for the rest of the night, but we did manage to snap this photo of Danae and me and our baby bumps.

Me at 19 weeks and Danae at 38 weeks. Isn't she looking fabulous and fit?
The next day, my last in Seattle, flew by quickly. I don't have pictures to share, but Danae and I had a fun afternoon running last minute errands so she's ready for whenever that baby decides to join the world. We grabbed lunch at a favorite place of hers and Matt's, Latona Pub (another highly recommended spot in Seattle), and went on a short hike through Carkeek Park. Then it was off to the airport. 

I got one last surprise before flying out though. As we rounded the corner on the expressway, the clouds parted and out came Mt. Ranier. The photo below isn't mine, but I added it here to show what a sight it is to see. 


It was a short trip, but super fun and definitely not the kind of thing I'll be able to do as spur of the moment and easily while toting around a little one of my own. Here's hoping s/he's half as cute as sweet little Eli!

Thanks to Matt and Danae for a great time!

Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tiny Dancer

An important update was conspicuously missing from my 20 week post earlier this week:  Movement (aka the dance party that is now going on in my belly)!  I purposely excluded it from that post because I felt like such a special moment deserved a post all its own.  

I’d been anxiously awaiting the feeling of those first kicks for several weeks, ever since I’d heard that you can feel the baby kick anywhere between 16-22 weeks – talk about a huge range of time.

For me, the first part of my pregnancy was a bit surreal – I logically knew there was a growing baby in my belly that was causing all of my morning sickness, food aversions, and such.  But it was hard to believe that it was really happening.  Mostly because queasiness, weight gain, and fatigue are all familiar feelings that I’ve felt before in my life (granted not in such high frequency), so I just couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that a baby was causing all of these things.  It wasn’t until my belly finally popped and I had a tiny baby bump that I really felt pregnant as opposed to just crummy. 

But what I was really waiting for was to actually feel the baby.  I’d heard that, at first, it feels like a flutter or butterfly wings – very subtle, like you hardly know it’s there.  For weeks, I’d sit quietly on the couch or in bed, trying to see if I noticed any feelings like this.  Nothing.  Until early Sunday morning when I woke up for my 3rd trip to the bathroom that night, yet another sign that I am most definitely pregnant.
Waving hello!  Proof that s/he's moving around in there!
I had just gotten back in bed and happened to have my hand resting on my stomach when all of a sudden, whomp!  What I felt was most definitely not a flutter, it was a full blown kick that I could feel from the inside and outside.  It was not at all uncomfortable, but it was unexpected and quite strong.  And I was thrilled!  My instinct was to immediately roll over and wake Scott to tell him the news, but I’m not sure that would have been well received at 4:30am.  So I waited til he woke up to share the news. 

He was super excited, and immediately put his hands on my belly to try to feel the kicks.  Nothing.  I could tell he was a bit disappointed.  He’s been really eager to feel the baby kick too.  I think it’s because he feels so excited about this pregnancy but also a bit detached since I’m the one who’s going through all the changes and he’s just supportively watching from the sidelines.  So, feeling the baby kick would be something that he could actually be a part of.  Side note:  He has been really sweet about talking to the baby (ever since its ears were developed enough to hear), so that s/he can learn his voice.  This, I love.

The baby was pretty quiet for the rest of Sunday – maybe because I was on my feet all day.  But that night, I was lying in bed reading when all of a sudden, whomp!  There it was again!  And again.  And again.  I think the little one may have had the hiccups because it was a pretty consistent round of kicks.  So much so that I was able to call Scott and tell him “get in here now so you can feel the baby!”  I swear, I have never seen him move so fast.  He was there in an instant.  And the baby cooperated by continuing to move around, so he got to feel it too! 

So we both got to share that awesome experience on the same day.  It was made even more special by the fact that these first kicks came on my Gram’s birthday.  She passed away several years ago, but she’s still a super special, strong presence in my life and it seemed fitting to have such a special experience on such a special day.
How cute was she?!
I couldn't resist posting a shot of my Gram as a baby! Probably taken ~1916. 
Me and Gram (1999)
I think the baby may have gone through a growth spurt, because ever since Sunday, I’ve felt lots of action going on in there.  It definitely startles me when I feel it, but I really love it!  It’s so fun to have proof that s/he is really in there.

Posted by:  Bridget

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Takin' Care of Business

It seems like everyone I know had amazing weather last weekend - either 80 degrees and sunny or, on the flip side, 20 degrees and snowing up a storm (for all those skiers out there). Everyone except us here in the Bay Area, that is. I think it was colder and rainier here on Saint Patrick's Day than in Ireland itself. So, what's a girl to do on such a chilly and dreary weekend? Housework galore!

See, we moved into a new apartment two months ago, but you'd think it was only two weeks ago with all the boxes still unpacked and walls still left bare. I'll spare you the before pictures, but it wasn't pretty. With this baby on the way and time speeding by towards our due date - just under 5 months now! - it was high time we set about settling in. There's a ton of work to be done in putting together the nursery, but before we dive into that project, we'd like to at least have our home put together for us.

So, Saturday morning, my sweet hubby, begrudgingly cheerfully tagged along for the ride as we scoured Craigslist and scoped out many a rainy garage sale in search of a bunch of furniture items we need. Our loot for the day? One single, lonely coffee table waiting for a comfy chair, some end tables, shelves, and a rug to keep it company in the living room. 

Breaking in the coffee table with dinner and a movie: tacos, salads, and "The Kings Speech". 

 I kid, but in truth we were pretty psyched to finally have something to set our wine sparkling cider on as we kick up our feet at the end of the day. (Our last home was an insanely small house with space for a couch and a TV in the living room, but really not much else.)

Our old living room, set up here as a guest bedroom.  Look at our cute little house guests!

We feel like we're living in a palace now with a 1100 sq ft apartment, but it's definitely taking some time to find the furniture to fill it up. We could just buy something new, I know, but we're finding out quickly that getting ready for a baby (much less raising it) is no inexpensive task. So we've decided to save and buy used dressers, night stands, coffee tables and the like and do our best to fix them up as needed. Some DIY projects are definitely in our future, so check back to see how things pan out!

One thing we were adamant about buying new? A new guest bed that will actually go in the nursery. Yes, that's right, potential will no longer have to crash on the couch or camp out on the air mattress that was squeezed into our old 5' x 11' "guest bedroom". You may have to bunk up with a crying infant, but at least you'll be doing so on the comfy brand new, all natural mattress that we picked up this weekend. Check! There goes another item off our list. 

Next up? Tackle the garage. More details to come on that in a later post. Suffice it to say, this whopper of a project definitely left a certain pregnant lady knocked out on the couch for a good chunk of Saturday evening.

Sleeping Beauty...ha!

After recouping on Saturday night, we spent Sunday unpacking some boxes, cleaning the apartment, rearranging furniture and…finally hanging a few things on our walls!

Behold! Our walls have gone from this:

To this!

And this!

We’ve definitely got a lot more frames to hang, but it’s a start at least. It’s  amazing how just getting a few of our own things on the walls suddenly makes the place feel more like home.

So, that was our weekend. I bet those of you that spent Saturday and Sunday enjoying summer weather and fun St. Patty’s Day festivities are ever so jealous! I definitely feel like I need a weekend to recover from my weekend, but hey – at least I feel productive! 

It's Half Time!

Today marks the half-way point! I'm 20 weeks pregnant and our baby is officially half-baked as of today.  Boy did that go fast!  If the second half goes anywhere nearly as quickly as the first half has, I'm in trouble with a capital T.  We now have half the time that we had before and all of the preparations left to be done! As I mentioned in this post, I'd best be getting my larger-than-ever-before pregnant a$$ in gear!

We had our big 20 week ultrasound today.

Our baby passed with flying colors.  All measurements are right on track and all the organs are in place and accounted for.  I have to admit, I always get a bit nervous when I go to these appointments, so it was great to hear that all is looking good.  Plus, it was so fun to be able to see so many details – the fingers, ribs, spine, and even the face!  We had the chance to find out the gender, but we’ve decided to wait and be surprised.  I was worried that the ultrasound tech might slip and say “he” or “she” but she was a pro and we left without a clue as to what we’re having.

I was able to ask the doctor about my greater-than-normal weight gain.  And, no I’m not being vain.  According to the experts, I should have gained about 10 pounds so far and, instead, I’ve gained a whopping (well it feels like it to me) 17 pounds.  Seriously though, that is a statistically significant difference!  
Week 5                           vs                          Week 19
Gaining weight is not easy, even though I know it’s for a good reason.  If this rate of weight gain is necessary for a healthy baby, then I'm fine with it.  I just don’t want to gain more than I need to.  But my doc says that there’s no cause for alarm, especially since I’m doing everything right…i.e. eating healthy and exercising regularly.  Seeing as how I am a registered dietitian and personal trainer, I’d better be doing this right or I’m in the wrong profession!  Her conclusion is that I may well be growing a large baby…GREAT, that’ll ensure a smooth and painless delivery.  Oh dear.

Here are some of my stats at the half-way point:

My measurements:  126 pounds and 5’4”

Baby’s measurements:  10 ounces and 10 inches long 

Morning sickness:  Gone!  Although I was lucky not to have it as bad as many people and never threw up once.

Food aversions:  Some still lingering (chicken, toothpaste) and some gone (cooked vegetables, apples).

Cravings:  Root beer!  Pears!  Frozen peaches!  Chocolate ice cream!  This last one is a weird one because Maureen’s the one who LOVES all things chocolate; it’s never really been my thing.  But, now?  I’m also in love.  I’ve only indulged twice though.

Hair, skin, and nails:  I’m most definitely not experiencing the glorious pregnant glow that I’ve heard so much about.  My hair is greasy, my nails keep splitting, and I’ve had some lovely breakouts on my back and neck – fortunately my face has been spared so far! 

Boobs:  Huge!  At least for me.  I’ve never had big boobs, so this is a whole new world.  The other day, I dropped a bar of soap in the shower, and when I bent over to pick it up, my boobs ran into my stomach.  This was never, ever even possible before!  They’re not all that sore which is good because I bump into them with my arms quite regularly. 

Mood swings:  I’m probably not the best one to talk – you really should probably ask my hubby.  But, I do feel that I’ve been fairly stable mood-wise so far.  Nonetheless, I do admit to being an overly-emotional, dramatic, easily stressed-out crazy person on a few occasions.  What’s funniest is that, in these moments, I totally know that I’m being ridiculous.  But I honestly feel so frustrated/uncomfortable/needy that I just can’t stop.  I feel bad that he gets stuck being the victim of my craziness, so I tried to explain how I feel, so at least he could understand.  That went really well.  The only thing crazier than a pregnant woman being crazy is when she tries to explain how she knows she’s being crazy but can’t help it because “it really is very important and I know it doesn’t make any sense at all but I just need you to pretend like it does right now so that I don’t feel any crazier than I already do”.  Poor boy.  But he’s taking it like a champ and still rubbing my back every night as I fall asleep.  

Pregnancy brain:  Totally!  I’ve been super forgetful these days.  Although I have yet to put the car keys in the fridge or anything like that.  I'm sure that day will come though...

Belly button:  It’s always been an “innie” and it’s stayed that way so far.  Interesting side story:  I have my belly button pierced and have yet to take the piercing out.  This may pose a problem and should probably be addressed soon.  Maureen and I got our belly buttons pierced together, so we had the same ring put in at the same time.  She had to have hers removed when she had an appendectomy a few years back.  When being prepped for surgery in the hospital, the doctor said it had to come out.  One of the nurses stepped in to do the job and couldn’t get it.  Several others tried their hand at it, and no one could even get it to budge, so they had to cut it out!  With some super strong wire cutter machine!  So, I may have a difficult task ahead of me...

Maternity Clothes:  I’ve bought a bunch and am wearing some while still trying to hold onto the last of my regular clothes.  I can still wear my jeans, just barely.  They’re my fat jeans that I wear when I’m a little on the heavier side, which explains while they’re still hanging around.   I do have to unbutton them when I sit down.  But I can still wear them.  Which is good because I have yet to find a good pair of maternity jeans that I like. 

Lastly, here’s a few shots of what I look like at 20 weeks: 

Please excuse my ugly claws hands!
Baby bump!
The End!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Finding Out

Isn't it funny how you rarely see those moments coming that will change your life? Take for example the day I met my husband. I was just a college freshman on my way out of a University of Michigan football game (Go Blue!) when some new friends I'd made at orientation ran into some old friends from high school. Enter Dan: 

I hardly thought anything remarkable would happen that day, much less something life altering. While nothing really felt different yet, little did I know I had just met the guy that would change everything.

 Fast forward 13 years to another day that started as any other – Friday, December 9th, 2011. I had a nagging headache pretty much the whole day and kept reaching for Advil, only to stop short of opening the bottle each time. I was positive that I wasn’t pregnant, but…what if I was? Pregnant women can’t take Advil! (Why I didn’t just take Tylenol, which is safe during pregnancy, is beyond me.)

“Maybe I should just take a pregnancy test,” I thought.  I actually had one that I could have taken at any time, but kept refusing on the grounds that I would be wasting it, since I knew I was most certainly was not pregnant. Then I’d have to go all the way to the drugstore – 6 whole blocks! – to buy another test the next time I got the silly notion in my head that I might be pregnant. 

In reality, there was every reason I could be pregnant. I was just determined not to play any mind games and get my hopes up, only to be disappointed with a negative test. So instead...I chose to play mind games with myself over whether or not to take an Advil. Makes sense, right? Right. 

I kept up this little battle with myself until about 5pm when I finally caved and went to dig up the test. Two minutes later  - positive! Wait...positive?! I looked from the test, to myself in the bathroom mirror, back to the test, and back to the mirror again in a state of shock. Then, I promptly and robotically put on my coat, grabbed my purse, and drove to CVS for another test, hands shaking all the while, but still too shocked to feel much. Twenty minutes later - positive again!

I sat there stunned for several minutes, hands on my belly, trying to let this momentous news soak in. I was filled with this amazing happiness, but at the same time, I felt numb. It was very surreal.

How should I tell Dan? I wanted to tell him immediately, of course, but definitely did not want to do it over the phone. Thank God he was due home from work soon! I quickly wrapped up the two pregnancy tests in a box with some Christmas paper and ribbon and left it on the table.

Then I proceeded to pace the living room for 30 agonizing minutes until he finally walked in the door. He saw the box, which I told him was an early Christmas present, and he asked if he should open it now or after dinner. Ummm..."do it right this second please!" I tried to tell him all nonchalantly. 

Who knows what he thought might be in that box, but a pregnancy test it was not. He looked at, as stunned as I had been, totally not able to process the news:

“Are you telling me you're going to go take this test now?”, he asked me.

“I already took it,” I said, smiling. “Twice.”  

He stared at me for a long minute, almost as if he was waiting for me to tell him it was all a joke, then started to smile. We sat there on the couch looking at each other like silly fools, our smiles widening until we both started to laugh. We hugged, did a happy dance, hugged again, and a little celebration ensued as we let it soak in that our tiny family of two was about to become three :)

 Just like the day I met Dan 13 years earlier, nothing really seemed different yet. I certainly did feel any different - though I definitely wasn't noticing that headache anymore! But, little had we known when woke up that morning that we'd be introduced to the existence of this tiny person that is, for sure, going to change everything!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

19 weeks and nothing but a bump to show for it

I am now 19 weeks pregnant.  It’s crazy how fast time is flying.  We have not done one. single. thing. to prepare for our baby and we’re almost to the halfway point.  Should I be concerned?  Because I’m starting to feel a bit panicked.  I have been reading up on how big the baby is (a large heirloom tomato this week!) and how s/he is developing each week.  But that’s it.  I have no real knowledge of what to expect in the third trimester or what labor is like or how to even tell if you’re in labor.  And I especially have absolutely no idea what to expect when the baby actually arrives. 

Of course, I know some things.  You know, the stuff I’ve heard from friends or learned from having baby cousins.  Like it’s required that you have a car seat and know how to install it correctly (although I have no idea what a proper fit is or how to actually install it).  Or that the baby will need to eat about every 2 hours in the beginning.  Or that I will be majorly sleep deprived for the first 3-12 months.  But I don’t know how to give a baby a bath or how to use a breast pump or even how to change a diaper.  All this to say that I’ve got a lot to learn and I feel that it’s best not to wait until the last minute.  

You see, I’m an excellent procrastinator.  And it’s not because I don’t want to learn about this stuff or put together a nursery, it’s just that I have a hard time getting around to stuff that’s not immediately pressing and since the baby’s not due for another 4 ½ months, my instinct is to think that I’ve got plenty of time to get around to all of this.  Plus, I’m usually much more efficient under pressure. 

However, my smarter side (yes, I have one!) has learned through years of experience that this is not the most stress-free way to live.  Take my wedding for example. 
Best day ever!
It was an absolutely fabulous day that I wish I could re-live again and again.  But the days leading up to the big day?  Totally frantic, sleepless, and chaotic as we rushed around trying to get everything ready in time.  There was no sitting around with my feet up, sipping a cocktail and looking forward to my honeymoon.  

 In fact, I didn’t even pack for our honeymoon until the day after the wedding which was also the day we were flying to Europe for 2 weeks.  I finished packing my suitcase ~15 minutes before we had to rush to the airport and because I’d done it so fast, I had absolutely no idea what was even in my suitcase.   Yes, everything ended up being fine, my wedding day was a dream come true, and I had all the clothes I needed for a fabulous honeymoon adventure. 
Mykonos, Greece
But the same thing could have happened with a whole lot less stress.  And that is precisely what I’m determined to avoid this time around.   I have no excuse not to be ready for our baby's arrival as I’ve had plenty of advance notice of his/her impending arrival and I’m fortunately feeling well enough to be productive. 

So, by publicly stating my intentions here, I’m hoping to feel somewhat held accountable by you all to stay on top of my super long list of things to do and to actually be ready for our baby by the time s/he arrives.  First up…tour the hospital where I’ll be delivering, scour Craigslist for cheap furniture, and research strollers and car seats.  I’ll keep you posted on how it goes!

Wish me luck,

Monday, March 12, 2012

Grand Opening!

Hi! I’m Maureen: 

And I’m Bridget: 

We’re identical twins: 

Can you tell who's who?

We’re very close, both as sisters and as friends, but we’re not geographically close (sad face)

Distance between Chicago and San Francisco: 1863 miles!
As twins, we’ve gotten to share our lives together in a unique way that few get to experience (except for that one minute when Maureen had the world all to herself before Bridget showed up!).  We’ve shared a bedroom, a college dorm room, an apartment, friends, clothes, and schoolwork, to name a few.  But even more than that, we’ve gone through all of life’s big experiences together, at the exact same time.

First day of school?  Together.  Senior prom?  Together.  Going away to college?  Same school, shared dorm room.  Getting engaged?  Our husbands approached our parents on the same day to ask for our hands in marriage (not planned!).    Getting married?  9 months apart to the day.  We’ve gone through pretty much everything, hand in hand.  So, it should have come as no surprise that life’s next great adventure would also be shared. 

Still we were completely stunned to find out that we are expecting our first babies one week apart.  And, to answer everyone’s favorite question right away…no, this was not planned!

We’ve never liked living so far away from each other but, now, with these little buns in the oven, this long distance thing has felt especially tough.  We thought it would be a fun project to document our parallel pregnancies in order to help us feel more connected to each other during this crazy, exciting time.  Thus, Young and Dizzy was dreamed up!  It will be a fun way for us to track everything (our own online journal of sorts) plus it will be a fun way to share our experiences with our families and friends and whoever else comes along. 

Oh, and for anyone curious about the title of our little blog, it comes from our Great Aunt Margaret, our grandma’s identical twin (yes, it runs in the family!).  It’s a phrase of hers that we’ve always loved because, to us, it’s a reminder to stay young and free-spirited, no matter what seriousness life brings our way.

So, welcome to our blog!  Read, enjoy, and come back often to visit because we’ll be posting regularly throughout this whole crazy ride.  We look forward to sharing it all with you!