Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Love Letter

When we were in college, our parents came to visit us one weekend and brought with them two wrapped presents.  It wasn’t our birthday or any other holiday where gifts might be exchanged, so it was a fun surprise to be getting a gift.  What was inside was truly one of the best and most beautiful gifts I’ve ever gotten. 

It was a journal that my mom had started when we were newborns and continued up until the day that she wrapped it up and put a bow on it.   She wrote one for each of us as well as my younger brother and sister, and they are basically her love letters to us.  About 20 years’ worth of love letters.  When in life do you ever get an entire notebook full of love letters all at once?  To be honest, the love that was poured into this journal was so overwhelming to me that I couldn’t even read it.  Especially without crying.  It took me several years before I was able to read the whole thing all the way through.   And my teardrops can now be found on the pages throughout.

In my journal, she told me what I was like as a baby – my disposition, favorite foods, how well I slept at night, and so on.  These kinds of updates continued on throughout the years as she wrote.  But the bulk of the journal is filled with her observations of watching me grow and learn and become the person that I am today.  She wrote of her wishes for me, her love for me, the frustrations that she felt during some difficult times, her pride in the person that I was becoming, etc… 

What an absolute gift to be able to know what my mom was thinking and feeling and learning as she raised me and watched me grow.  Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.  It is one of my most treasured possessions. 

Now, as I am pregnant with my own child, I find this journal to be even more meaningful.  I think that being able to see how my own mom felt and dealt with things during different stages in my life will help me to be a better mother.  For example, how did she feel watching me go off to my first day of school?  Help me get through heartbreak during my first breakup?  Get through packing up and sending off two of her kids to college at the same time?  I haven’t even met my baby yet, and I’m already dreading the thought of that!

One thing I know for sure is that I will absolutely be continuing this tradition with my children.  And I plan to start soon with at least one letter written to my baby before I get to meet him or her.  I already have so many things that I’d like to say.  Like what a joy it is to be able to feel this baby that I have yet to meet, and how I wonder who it is that’s growing inside of me and what s/he will be like.  I just need to find the perfect book to use – one that will be very durable and can withstand a few tears.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

22 weeks, 1 day, and 10 hours

posted by Maureen

That's how pregnant I am right now. 

I always find this whole counting-each-week-as-it-passes thing to be sort of funny/strange. I mean, when else in life does a person literally count life week by week for 40 whole weeks? Did you know that the 4th of July is 12 weeks away? Or that Thanksgiving is 30 weeks from now? If you're pregnant and expecting a baby around then, you probably do. If you're like the rest of the population and don't speak Pregnant, you use a more normal convention called months. 

Months are nice and easy. They don't require you to do the math to figure out that, say, 34 weeks is actually 8 and a half months of time (which I have to admit just took me way too long to figure out in my head...) And honestly, I think tracking life week by week actually makes time fly by faster.

Now, of course, I get why each week matters. So much is changing with both me and the baby so frequently, that just tracking the months isn't enough. So, yes, I speak Pregnant now. It's a bit of a different language, where I catch myself saying things that I used to find funny like "we're pregnant" (umm...not exactly possible) and find myself talking about things I've never thought much about before like doulas, breast pumping, Braxton Hicks contractions, and Rh compatibility. I'm telling you, it's a whole new world.

So,  yes, I have now found myself being that person that excitedly tells Dan's 25 year old male co-workers that "I'll be 23 weeks in 6 days!" when they ask how far along I am. I definitely forget that everyone else isn't speaking the same language as me these days. So, for those of you that still use months and don't feel like doing the math, I'll give you a break and tell you that I'm 5 and half months along now.

And I'll also stop the rambling and give you a belated Halftime Report!

I reached the official halfway point in my pregnancy two weeks ago. And right around that time I felt the baby kick for the first time. Definitely one of the coolest pregnancy moments to date. Our little tiny one is quite the kicker now, and I feel it all the time. I tell my dad, who is a big-time hockey fan and has his fingers crossed for a future hockey playing grandchild, that the baby is practicing it's slap shots all day long.

We had our 20 week ultrasound at the end of March and got the great news that the baby looks great and everything is going smoothly so far. We also got this amazing ultrasound photo of our tiny one. 

I've seen these 4D ultrasound photos of other people's babies, and have often thought that they are definitely super cool, but that the babies can look somewhat alien at times (since they're still becoming babies and all). Of course, I find this particular photo entirely adorable and can't get enough of it. I guess it's different when it's your own :)

And since I love a good before and after, here's a shot of me at about 2 and a half months along: 

Yes, I might just be sucking my tummy in a bit here. Gotta look good while I still can!
And now here I am at 5 months, aka 20 weeks:

Gotta love that model pose. Dan says I smile the same way in all my photos, and I should change it up a bit. So this was my attempt at "sort of smiling" instead of just "full on smiling". Stay tuned as I continue to practice more interesting faces to make in photos. 

Also, stay tuned for a real up-to-date photo of me at 22 weeks. My belly has actually popped big-time in the past two weeks, but I can't show the latest and greatest photo just yet because  I've got another surprise in store. Are you all curious now? Better stay tuned ;)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Vacation Recap

I’m back after a longer-than-expected hiatus from blogging.  Sorry about that!  I was sure I’d get back into the swing of things last week once we were home from vacation, but I was sidelined by a huge pile of work that had built up while I was away.  Plus, I came down with the mother of all headaches.  Or at least that’s what it felt like to me.  I’m pretty sure it was the first migraine that I’ve ever had and it was miserable and it lasted for 2 whole days and I couldn’t sleep or sit up or focus my eyes on anything.  Since we didn’t even get home from vacation til Monday, that meant that my week was mostly shot.  So here I am today, finally getting back into the swing of things and feeling back to normal…unless you count my much larger-than-normal belly and the fabulous baby kicks that I now feel on a regular basis!

Since I’ve mentioned our vacation a few times, I thought it would be fun to recap it a bit for you all.  So here’s the scoop on our 2-in-1 vacation. 

One of our very favorite places to go is Park City, Utah.  We love to ski, hike, snowshoe, camp, and explore and this area is an excellent playground for all of those things. 
See?  So much fun!
So we knew we wanted to get back there one last time before the baby is born.  But we’re kind of greedy when it comes to travel and we also knew that we wanted to go somewhere new and different as a last little adventure while it’s still just the two of us.  But how were we going to afford to do both? 

It wasn’t looking good until we found a cheap flight to because it was 11 days long and included travel on weekdays rather than weekends.  It was way longer than we were planning to be gone, but the flight was also $300 cheaper PER PERSON than anything else we’d found.  So we decided to go for it.  Like I said, we’re kind of greedy about traveling and it’s what we prefer to spend our money on (as opposed to shopping and eating out a lot), so it didn’t take too much to convince us to go for it.  We were able to swing it because the majority of the trip overlapped with Spring Break which is a really slow week for me, work-wise, and Scott was able to work “from home” (aka Utah) for a few days in order to save some of his PTO for when the baby arrives.

But going on such a long trip would pretty much rule out our idea of taking a second trip to somewhere we’d never been before.   And we weren’t about to give up on that (again, greedy about travel), so we came up with the perfect plan.   We’d combine both ideas into one trip.  We’d always wanted to go to southern Utah to see some of the amazing scenery that’s down there – crazy rock formations like hoodoos, slot canyons, red rocks, waterfalls – plus it would be a great way to squeeze in some hiking since we won’t be getting to do that this summer because of my August 6th due date.  
Hiking is one of our favorite things to do together.
These shots are from last summer and show how gorgeous the summers in Utah are!
It’s a straight shot, 5 hour drive due south to get to Zion National Park, so we decided to slip away from Park City for a few days of adventure in a new place that we’ve never been…aka Our BabyMoon!
Hiking in Zion on our Babymoon...more pics and stories to come!

Our time in Park City was fabulous and relaxing.  The weather was unseasonably warm there, and also sunny and dry.  So no new snow and any snow that was already on the ground was quickly melting away.  This did not mean good things for skiing.  Fine by me because I’m on a year-long hiatus from skiing while I bake this bun.  My hubby though was rather disappointed as he’s a bit obsessed with skiing and quite good at it too.  He did get to go twice, though, so don’t feel too bad for him. 

So with no snow to ski or snowshoe in, we had a lot of downtime to just chill.    I got a massage (twice!), did a little maternity clothes shopping, went to yoga a few times, went on a lot of walks, read the Hunger Games, and slept in.  It’s such a gorgeous place, and I feel so at home and at peace in the mountains, so it was just good for my soul to be there. 

Our babymoon was so fun and we took so many pictures that I think it deserves a post all its own, so I’ll save that for my next post. 

Instead I’ll end by sharing my experiences flying while pregnant. 

Observation #1:   I hate having to check my carry-on at the gate because the overhead space is already too full.  The stupid airlines charge so damn much for checked baggage, so everyone tries to carry on as much as possible – myself included.  And for some reason, we’re always in the final boarding group for every flight that we take which means that the overhead space is almost always full by then.  So nearly every time we fly, we have to gate-check our carry-ons.  And I hate having to wait for my bag on the jet bridge after a long flight, especially because I’ve usually got to use the loo by this point.  This is a first world problem, I know, but it’s still a pet peeve. 

But this time! I was clever and found a way around the situation.  All you pregnant women out there take note on what I’m about to share.  When airlines begin boarding, they always call for families traveling with small children and those who require more time to board the plane to get in line first.  And guess what?!?  Pregnancy counts as a reason to board early!  So we were literally the first people to board our flight!  Fabulous as far as I’m concerned as it really did make the whole process easier and there was plenty of room for our bags overhead.  And when our flight landed, I was able to head straight up the jet bridge and directly into the bathroom.  Much needed after a long flight at 5 months pregnant.

Observation #2:  At 5 months pregnant, it is nearly impossible to access anything that you have stored under the seat in front of you.  This may seem obvious to some of you, but it honestly did not occur to me until I was seated on the plane and tried to bend over to get my magazines out of my backpack.    First off, the legroom and seat size is just abysmal, even for me and I’m only 5’4”.  
From a flight last year where we randomly got upgraded to first class.
I can't even reach the seat in front of me!
From last year's return flight home in coach.
I can't even straighten my arms out here!
Secondly, there’s just nowhere for your belly to go when you try to bend forward in a small space, so it’s a good thing that I had an aisle seat because I had to pull my bag out with my foot and then lean out into the aisle in order to pick it up.  If I’d been sitting in the middle, I’d have been totally helpless.

Observation #3:  When the flight attendants announce, as the plane is already pulling away from the gate, that the toilets onboard the plane are broken and they won’t flush, you’re in for a very long, uncomfortable flight.  The flight from Salt Lake City to Chicago is 3.5 hours long and, at 5 months pregnant, I have to pee approximately every 30-60 minutes, so a long flight without functioning bathrooms and without any advance notice is truly a form of torture.  But I made it.  And at least I didn’t have to wait for my carry-on on the jet bridge at the end of the flight.

That’s all for today folks, but I’ll be back soon with Part II of our vacation adventures.  Have a great day!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Thirteen Years

posted by Maureen

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about the day Dan and I first met way back in 1998. Well, as of last Thursday, March 29th, we have now officially been together for 13 whole years! 

Aug. 1999 - a very young Dan and Maureen!
We've only been married for just under two years though, so you could certainly say our "courtship" was a bit on the long side. The funny thing is, we both sensed fairly early on that this relationship was for keeps. We just had some growing up to do I guess, having met at 18 and all. That said, I have to admit that it may not have been mutual love at first sight. The blame is all mine though. It's true...I may have turned down a large number of date requests from my wonderful husband, and he may have become known to my family and friends as the-guy-Maureen-won't-go-out-with- but-who-just-won't-give-up. He was pretty good at it though, I have to say. He wore me down through such tricks as bringing breakfast-in-bed to me in my dorm room on weekday mornings and making me homemade pasta from scratch on the one date I begrudgingly agreed to. One weekend night I found him throwing snowballs at my window and serenading me with "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" from Top Gun on his way home from a night out. Quite the charmer ;)

(Alert! Serious sappiness coming your way. Consider yourself warned ; )

Eventually, in late March of 1999, I finally fell for him, and you can consider me fallen ever since. Fast forward thirteen years, and I'm quite honestly still head over heels for this man. Cheesy as it may be to say, my heart sometimes feels like it could literally burst with happiness that we are having this baby together and about to begin another of life's amazing adventures as a team.

(We will now proceed with our regularly scheduled programming...)

So, all that is to explain how we can't quite bring ourselves to completely re-start the clock with our wedding anniversary and only celebrate the two years that we've been married, instead of the full thirteen we've shared. We think our long history together is pretty darn cool, so we've decided to just continue celebrating both. 

So, how did we celebrate Thirteen Amazing Years of Dan and Maureen? By continuing our recent trend of housework of course, followed by a little date night out. 

First, we rolled out the new rug that we bought for our living room to help keep our lonely coffee table company

We really like the pop of color it brings to the room. Plus, yellow is my favorite color, so it couldn't go wrong. My apologies for the close up shot. I'd pan out to show the whole room, but then you'd all see the mess that is our living room at the moment, and I just can't have that.  Better to maintain the illusion that it's all super neat and organized :)

Our next task was to pick up our latest Craigslist find - a new dresser for our bedroom. 

Finding this dresser took many weeks of Craigslist hunting and garage sale scouring. Getting a good deal on a nice dresser, is no easy task, as it turns out. We're pretty happy with it, save the super musty smell that is keeping us from putting our clothes in it as of yet. Hence the below shot of 9 bowls of baking soda that we've put in the drawers to try to absorb the smell. Hopefully with that and lots of trips taking the drawers outside to lay in the sun, we'll one day be able to actually use the darn thing.

Housework for the day complete, we finally, we got ourselves dolled up and hit the town for a  little celebrating at St. Michael's Alley in Palo Alto. 

Our dinner was so yummy and relaxing. I even splurged and had a tiny bit of wine so we could toast our good fortune of having had all these great years together. After dinner, since we were feeling lucky and all, we confidently marched into the local convenience store and picked up what was sure to be the winning Mega Millions lottery ticket. How could it not be when it was filled out with all our lucky numbers on our anniversary, no less?

I'm sad to report that, in a shocking turn of events, we learned on Friday that we were not newly minted multi-millionaires. We didn't even have one single matching number. Shocking, I tell you. Just shocking. 

It was a very happy day though, and I'm glad we took some time out to celebrate us. I know that's going to be a bit harder to do once our little kicker joins us in August. I even got to break in my first maternity dress. The  black conceals my growing belly bump, but trust me. It's there!

And that, my friends, was how we celebrated Anniversary #1 of 2012. Anniversary #2 is coming up on May 29th, and we're hoping to do a little babymoon trip to celebrate that one. 

That's all for now. I'll be back to catch up with you later this week. Happy Monday to you all!